Quote of the Month

Big shots are just small shots who kept shooting.
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Wednesday, July 16, 2008 @ 11:28 AM: Quotes from InspireMe
Hmm basically i thought the quotes from InspireMe were great and sometimes they lit my day... though not really so when I checked my bills and they do charge! Anyway here are some of the quotes that I find quite applicable...

"When you forgive, you in no way change the past - but you sure do change the future" - Bernard Meitzer

Indeed, past is past. As what we always told ourselves after your exams. As what my partner told me after the bridge game where silly mistakes are made. But what's most important is that we take the lessons from the past - and move on. There is no point holding grudges over things that you could not change - the old problems couldn't be solved unless one initiates the moving forward. And that is the sense of release that comes with forgiveness.

"The least touchable object in the world is the eye"- Rudolf Arnheim

Not in the physical sense though... throw a punch and I'm sure it hits the eye. However its figurative meaning is strong. We do hold strong perceptions in our eyes and they are the least touchable when it comes to compromising or taking in what others say. At the very least of "being humble", one needs to enable the eye to see the world, and be open to perceptions.

And for those who love to procrastinate (me included!), here is a nice quote from Pope John Paul II.

"The future starts today, not tomorrow"

And for pessimists, another quote here from Bill Cosby:-

"Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it." Guess certainly desire will help us overcome some of our own negative perceptions and work towards the goals we look ahead to. And I guess once those 'negative implications' are removed, one is certainly more determined in his course of work.

Oh yes... as I just read the report from Miss Universe, it was talking abt the winning speech that Miss Venezuela gave regarding the difference between men and women. According to her, the closest distance for men is a straight line, while the closest distance for women is a curve. Here's quite a relevant quote that helps to complete the picture that she is trying to depict:-

"Curve: The loveliest distance between two points." - Mae West

Do you have your own interpretations regarding this? Seriously I don't think guys do lack that bit of human touch and love as what that statement suggests.

And lastly the quote of the day:

"Something which we think is impossible now is not impossible in another decade." — Constance Baker Motley

To give a brief history of this quote, Constance Baker Motley is the first Black woman in US to become a federal judge. (and along with so many other feminist quotes, I was wondering whether InspireMe is such a service. But well I enjoyed it :)) And yes, I would just like to say along the spirit of this quote that nothing is impossible, and the word of "never" is never a certainty.

Back to my world of waiting!
thank you for bringing me memories...
Saturday, July 12, 2008 @ 9:51 PM: Pensive mood
It is never thru such incidents u realise the value of your sense of sight (and perhaps watching the Stairs to Heaven and experiencing in ur own life is a total different feeling)

Well... life is precious and treasure every moment of it, esp with ur immediate family members.
thank you for bringing me memories...
Saturday, July 05, 2008 @ 1:00 PM: About returning to my old lifestyle
Woohoo! For those who are wondering how come this blog is gone liao, it is updated again!

Yesh... and i'm pretty glad to be returning the very old lifestyle of being at home, having the interactions with my family and friends, back to bridge and pretty soon (and determined i shall say), i shall pick up the books and slowly get back to the mode.

For the past few weeks, I've thought the pre-departure programme is rather fun and well, I have learnt a lot about myself, esp thru the OBS camp... and i'm sure a few others are as well and it is great to have ppl like tiong soon and zhong liang in our watch... and of course fun to interact with the many others within the grp.

As for the ECO side, RE-live! is officially ended, and I wouldn't want to comment anymore regarding the event. As what hanjie said, "it is time to move ahead", i shan't be bothered to bring up abt those issues that had upset everyone so much... and of course glad that my time is further freed up to do things that I genuinely would like to do.

For those who have been following my blog for my europe trip updates, I'm sorry not to have updated given my crazy schedules in May/June and well whatever effort is put in for these months, i must say i have learnt a lot and it is time for a new direction to come in. and yesh, i will strive to do well in bridge (given the disastrous outing last week against nuss)

less than 3 months and i would be off this island, so whoever wanna meet me pls come and find me!!! would be more than glad to chat with u up!
thank you for bringing me memories...
Reach my prismic soul.
28 September 1987
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