Thursday, February 26, 2009 @ 6:23 AM: In captive
Here I am, at the reclusive place,
Standing in the middle of nowhere.
Once I used to step into crowds,
And all I want is to know more friends.
Here I am, at the ulu college,
Everything is too far, and u dun see my face.
Now I want to step into crowds,
And all I get is "you dunno all of them".
Here I am, at the dead quiet room,
Surrounded by dead silence, msn/skype sounds.
The feel of strain, captive and bore,
And all that pain seeping into my brain.
thank you for bringing me memories...
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 4:42 AM:
Was reading kimberle's blog and saw this:-
there’s something important about all the Korean/Jap dramas’ most vital element: cancer. Only with cancer, can we truly cherish a relationship. Only with cancer, will you live at the moment, for the moment. Only with cancer, our eyes are uncovered, letting our soft innate emotions shine through. Only with cancer, will we say “I love you” and mean it.It is always with failures, with relegations, with the terrible loss of some stuff that you might have had always taken for granted, with the sudden departures of some people who are so close to u yet u wouldn't thank them for everything they did for u that you would start to treasure your previous successes, the positive stuff that might seem easy for u all along and how much we could have done or loved them before they leave you...
It is always at this "minimum" point where u see the finest of your aspects of life, the closest of your relationships ever spent with people and perhaps the truest of friendships and love.
Just as how Chieh had quoted in her blog abt the little gal who faced obstacles all along and saw the beauty in each of them, perhaps it is time for me to appreciate the greatness of things around me.
I appreciate the fact that I am in Cambridge and especially Homerton College (though how much I would complain abt how far away u are, I do love u for your carpeted floor, nice lawns, the automated great hall door and the fabulous library where i could renew books like mad)... The people around me (esp my dearest neighbours who never failed to lift me from my gloom) and kimberle (though i think i start to miss her presence around...)... and many of my other friends (u know who u are :) ) for listening to me rant abt the stress (but hey! it would surprise ppl if i say i'm not stressed here), the disappointments i face and the mini doldrums i'm facing right now :)
And yups, it will only get better :-) After all, I deserve a better life rather than ranting abt how elusive everything is and how un-shun4 things can get.
Just as I would list down things when i'm stressed, things to complete:-
1. Physics 27-32
2. Biology Mindmap
3. Chemistry rest of thermody
4. Contact list for freshers (something to cheer me up!)
5. Discussion with samson regarding bridge arrangements
6. Memorise my dance steps
7. If anyone think i can do more stuff, pls tell me (perhaps i forgot abt it!)
thank you for bringing me memories...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 @ 4:23 AM: random song
雪花铺满地 草地寥无几
雪人撇着笑 掩盖着空虚
春芳满城溢 思乡情延续
掩饰了寂寞 想家的情绪
痛 不说痛 心里憋着的话放心里
哭 忍不哭 看着你的伤心我也很不定
望着你的眼 轻扰你的弦
你说你快乐 不需要慰藉
思念的浮现 想念那从前
thank you for bringing me memories...
Wednesday, February 04, 2009 @ 12:33 AM:
Sometimes how have i wished i could have said something when i had wanted to... perhaps it just requires courage?
Anyway here are some photos for all to see. Lotsa people coming to cambridge and having fun in this snowy town (for these two days):-
And finally a picture of snowy homerton!
thank you for bringing me memories...